May 17, 2024

Visiting Aid Release Notes - 05/17/2024


Today's update will focus on enhancements to the billing and patient intake workflows. These were both covered in recent webinars and are centered around the feedback that we received from our client partners.

Coordinator Enhancements


1)      Next Button


Added Next and Previous buttons to the patient profile, facilitating quick navigation between patients.  This functionality will also be added to the employee profile with the next update.

1)      E-Timesheet: Duplicate Warning & E-timesheet: Conflict Warning


Electronic timesheets will now display additional warnings before approval to ensure approved visits are not in conflict (e.g., duplicate visits, over-authorization, overlapping shifts, caregiver conflicts).


2)      Visit Search – Bulk Declined eTimesheet


Added the ability to decline incorrect eTimesheets in bulk, streamlining the process..


3)      Missed Visit Reasons


Implemented dropdown list capability for selecting reasons when marking a visit as missed, enhancing reporting accuracy.


Caregiver Enhancements


1)      E-timesheet signature enhancements


Improved weekly e-timesheet signature capabilities for caregivers and patients, allowing easy navigation through each signature-required day without returning to the main screen.


HR Enhancements


1)      Best Medical API / Integration


Completed API Integration with NY Best Medical, enabling agencies to seamlessly track compliance. Agencies utilizing NY Best Medical for compliance can activate this functionality at no additional cost.

Once enabled, expiring compliance information will automatically be sent to NY Best Medical.  Under the Employee section, we have added a Linked Medical Tab that will show pending appointments and completed medical awaiting agency approval.

Linked Payer Enhancements


1)      PDF Export of Linked Patient Information


Add the ability to create a PDF of the linked payer information. 

2)      Linked Payer Rejections


Updated the billing section to display current billing rejections from linked payers. Once connected via SFTP (HHA or others), the system will refresh rejections to reflect resubmitted information.


This functionality is available for agencies with fully linked payers through SFTP or API connection at no additional cost.

* Reach out to support with any questions regarding enabling this functionality for your agency.


Billing Enhancements


1)      SFTP Access / Availty


Added SFTP access capability for Availity (Clearinghouse), enabling the billing department to submit batch files directly, eliminating the need for file download/upload. All submitted files will be timestamped and rejections tracked with Availity.


2)      Subtotal Report prior to billing export


Introduced Subtotal Report functionality before exporting/creating the billing file, providing agency users visibility into subtotals prior to export.

3)      Payer Rates/ Visit Type Audit History


Added an audit trail to the Contractor/Payer section, allowing agencies to maintain a complete history of rate changes.

4)      Authorization Audit History 


Enhanced visibility of authorization history for all authorized users, providing comprehensive details.

5)      Enhanced Visit Edit Functionality


Enhanced bulk editing functionality to allow billers to edit visits with alerts, facilitating corrections for same-date visit holds.


Ignore Alerts dropdown can now be used to billed visits, only to edit visits in bulk.  This applies to bulk rate changes, update Claim Reference Numbers, marking visits for resubmission, and other changes.


* Previous View – visits with alerts could not be selected for bulk updates. 

** Update view allows visits to be selected for bulk edits. 

Payment Reconciliation

1)      Overpayment Adjustments


835 reports indicating a “write-off” amount will be shown as balance due, providing agencies the ability to review and perform bulk write-offs if necessary.


Reporting Enhancements


1)      Payer Reconciliation Report


Expanded columns in the report for a more comprehensive view, now including Billed, Not Billed, Paid, Rate Adjustment, Over Payment, Patient Responsibility, and Pending Amounts.


2)      Aging Report - 30 Day increments


Enhanced aging breakdown by 30-day increments for improved analysis.


3)      Payroll and Billing Reconciliation Report


Enhanced this comprehensive financial report including Payroll Amount, Billed Amount, and Received Amount for each visit, with both Details and Summary Views.


4)      Weekly Pre-Claim Report Summary


Added a summary page to the weekly pre-claim report to assist with maximizing weekly authorization/billing.