Deleting a Billed Visit

Q: How do I delete a Visit that has already been billed

A:   Whenever a visit has been billed, it needs to be delete in both Visiting Aid and with the payer.  In order to delete a visit that has been billed, the user can not delete the visit from the patient calendar.  The visit needs to be deleted from the Billing Section and a Delete Claim file needs to be submitted to the payer's clearinghouse.

Step 1.  Billing -> Creating.  This is necessary because we are "Creating" a billing file for deleted visits that will be sent / upload to the payer.  

Step 2. Select Visit (s) for Deletion File Creation -> Select Date Range -> All Claims -> Deletion.  Click the check box to the visit(s) that need deletion.  Export EDI Drop Down -> Select Clearinghouse

Step 2a.  All visits marked for deletion, but have a claim reference number attached to the visit.  Visiting Aid automatically attached claim reference numbers when an 835 file is upload to the system.  

If a claim reference number is not already attached to the visits, the system will give you a warning.  To attached a claim reference number, you will need to click into the visit -> Billing Tab -> Edit Visit -> Enter Payer Claim Control # and save the changes.  

Step 3.  Creating the Export File.  All visit(s) are selected - double check to make sure the Deletion Drop Down is select, then click the Export Drop Down and select the clearinghouse or HHAX.  

Step 4.  Download and Upload the file to your Clearinghouse / HHAX Linked Payers.  This is the standard process for uploading 837 and rebilling files.  

* At this time, the file creation is only for HHAX linked payers.  The process will be updated shortly for all payers.  In the meantime, its important to go into the payer portal and manually delete the visits.  This will ensure that the payer is aware of the deletion as well.