June 23

Updates History (User Tracker)

An administrator now has the ability to determine which user edited or changed any information on the patient or employee pages. You can access this by selecting the small history icon next to the patient or employees name;

Once you select the icon, the "Updates History" page will populate.

You can search by user, date or any value in this report.

Payroll Updates

An Administrator can now apply payroll override rates in the admin settings. Simply add the new override rate with a custom code. This code will be selected on the patients authorization for a specific service and pay override.

You will see a payroll override code option on the authorization. Apply the specified code based on the service and pay of the caregiver for that service.

Agency Hub Surveys

Through the agency hub, your staff can create specified groups of caregivers and send surveys directly to sms text. Survey questions and answers are customizable and stored in the hub.

ICD 10 Codes Required!

Medicaid is requiring ICD 10 codes be identified on the patient profile. Please make sure to add this information by August 1st.

The IDC 10 code can be submitted at the bottom of the patient profile page.