June 13, 2024

Visiting Aid Release Notes



Coordinator Updates

1)      Patient Search View

The patient search screen now displays the status date in addition to the patient status. This feature allows coordinators to see the dates when a patient became active, was put on hold, or was discharged.

2)      Extend Master Schedule

The master schedule can now be copied to a new authorization. Previously, the coordination team had to manually enter the master schedule for a new authorization.


The "Extend Master Schedule" button will only appear if the Payer and Service Code match. If the authorized hours have changed, coordinators will be notified, and the master schedule will not be extended.

3)      PTO Hours

PTO hours now require HR/Coordinator input for the requested hours. The system will automatically pre-fill this section with hours from the caregiver's calendar. If the caregiver does not have a schedule for that day, the hours will default to 0 and need to be entered before the PTO is saved.

The PTO report has been updated to include PTO hours for payroll processing. 

Accounting Updates


1)      Financial / Month End Settings

The month-end reporting process has been enhanced. New s-ettings have been added to ensure proper month-end reporting according to your agency's requirements (Date of Service/Invoice Date).


Navigation: Admin -> Settings -> Agency -> Miscellaneous


Contact support for assistance with setting up month-end reporting.

2)      Write-Off Settings

 Agencies can now configure automatic write-offs for balances below a specified amount in the Financial/Month-End section.


835 remittance files from payors sometimes include a "write-off" amount. If you prefer to show all underpayments as a balance due, toggle this switch.

Security Settings


1)      IP Address

User management has been updated to allow restriction of user access by IP address. Enter allowable IP addresses under the username in the Allow IP Address section.