Caregiver SMS Notifications

Q. How can caregiver subscribe to  receive SMS notifications?

A. Caregiver should go to profile tab in Caregiver Portal and Accept  Terms of Service and Privacy Policy before receiving SMS notifications from mobile career providers.

Q. What SMS Notifications can my caregivers receive? 

A.1. For Caregivers with a Set Schedule:
1. The caregiver will receive an sms notification 15 Minutes before the schedule starts.
2.The caregiver will receive an sms notification 15 Minutes before the schedule ends

A.2 For A floating calendar :

A.3 When utilizing E-Timesheets :

A.4  When communicating via the Agency Hub.

Q. How can I diagnose why my caregivers are not receiving sms messages from the agency?

A. Make sure when you hire the caregiver they save your agency toll free number in their cell phone.

To find your agency toll free number please navigate to Admin, Settings, Agency, EVV there you will find your EVV phone numbers.

Q. Why do I see a broken image in SMS message

A.  Our Agency Hub SMS messages allows you to send or receive up to  250 characters. If you send or receive images in text body and the length of the message exceeds 250 characters you will see broken images.

The agency hub is recommended for SMS communications only, we offer alternate routes for Timesheets and JPEG images.