May 17
CDPAP Patient Attestation
If you provide Consumer Directed Services, a patient attestation of delivered care may be required for your Payer. In order to achieve this, Visiting Aid offers your patients their own portal to log in, see past visits and sign off on those visits.
All they need to do is
Input their last name & date of birth
For security purposes, they must submit the phone number that the agency has on file.
They will receive a two factor authentication code in order to login.
Note; If the patient does not have a mobile device, the agency should identify a designated rep.
Patient Hold on Calendar
When a patient is on hold status, the calendar will populate this notice.
Daily Min/ Max (override management)
For CDPAP floating schedules only; If there is an alert based on the daily min/ daily max your coordinator can confirm the visit by selecting the "Confirm Daily Limit" icon at the bottom of the visit.
This will not require a timesheet, and the visit will be compliant for billing.
Note; If you adjust the clock in or clock out time, a timesheet will be required.