Authorizations & Scheduling
Floating Schedule - Live In - Split Shift
Q: How do I add an Authorization?
A: To add an authorization, go to the patient calendar and select New Authorization.
Understanding Authorization Specs
Type: This is referring to the Visit Type which will reflect the billing code of this service.
Date Range: Insert the full date range of the Authorization. Start Service is optional and should be applied for authorizations that already started on a previous date.
Authorized Services: This represents the caregiver/ service you are authorizing to provide to your patient.
Note: The selected authorized service will effect what type of schedule you can apply. For example, Floating Schedule will only work for PA, DSP and RSP
How to Create a Live In Schedule in Visiting Aid
Schedule Type:
The authorization is default to a regular schedule. You must apply the hours per day that the caregiver can service the patient. If this is not a regular schedule, you can select Floating Schedule, Live-In or Split Shift (details for each schedule type below).
The hours are represented on the bottom row of boxes. The units are represented on the top row of boxes.
Both units and hours will total for the week under Week Total (to the right of this module)
Hours must be applied to each day (other than floating schedule)
Regular Schedule
Floating Schedule
This is designed for the Consumer Directed Services Program. The agency does not need to set a schedule, rather the Caregivers associated with this patient (on the patient general info page) will be able to clock in and out whenever they please.
Key Notes
You can set a daily limit
Q: I entered incorrect authorization, after I change it all my visits turned red showing an error?
A: The visits entered with incorrect auth type will be changed by nightly maintenance, please confirm the next day.

How to create a Live In Schedule in Visiting Aid
Q: Why I don't see Visit Type in my Authorization?
Please make sure you payor Start and End date is in current range.

How to Create a Mutual Shared Schedule in Visiting Aid

How to create a Mutual Set Schedule in Visiting Aid