
Q: Where I can find information about Billing Codes/Modifiers?

A: For New York State:

Q: How I can send billing file to CareBridge?

A: You need set up SFTP connection with CareBridge and then upload billing file. For more information look at:

Q: What should I do when I received rejection from clearinghouse?

A: In order for us to troubleshoot an issue we need to look at 999 or 277 files which clearinghouse generated. Please login to your clearinghouse portal, download 999 or 277 file and send it to

Q: What is the difference between billing hours format? Why in some cases I see 1.50 and in some 1:30?

A: if the visit hour is 1:30 when we reporting it to payroll company or exporting data to payer, we have to report this instance as decimal value for aggregation purposes.  See example conversion below:

Q: How I can I delete a billed visit?

A: Please click here to learn more